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Walking on Eriska
The Easy One
Mainly flat, and will not require much preparation. You can walk down to the pier, across the meadows, out past the driving range, walking towards the west side of the island and back to the Main House. Terrain is easy with accessible paths.
The Moderate One
You can walk down to the pier, across the meadows and continue down the towards the west side of the island to meet the bridge, then walking up the drive to the Main House. Terrain is easy with accessible paths, but a longer walk.
The Scrambly One
Takes you along the shoreline on the east side of the island and down towards the Old Ford. For this walk, keep an eye on the tides!
Remember to:
Dress for the weather,
Tell someone where you are going,
Enjoy the Scenery!
Eriska is surrounded with magnificent mountains with several Munros within sight of the front door giving a sense of peace and quiet when strolling around the island. Alternatively if you are looking for leisurely strolls there are plentiful walks within a short distance of Eriska whether it be the circular walk round the Island of Kerrera or the energetic climb up Ben Cruachan, the team at the hotel can offer guidance.